authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.


Anna is a 产品经理 with expertise developing innovative products for global brands such as Mars and Fortune 100 company 百事可乐. 她在食品和饮料行业有十多年的经验, 生成的餐馆, 交付, 零售, 酒店, 食品生产.



想想你最后一次吃美味的披萨的情景. 那是什么感觉?? 配料的数量合适吗? 味道强度刚刚好吗? 它的上桌温度合适吗——热,但又不太热? 它看起来也很吸引人吗?

味道是, 当然, 在任何食品相关行业中都是至关重要的, 直接影响客户忠诚度和保留率, 因此收入. 而且,尽管品味是一种非常个人化的主观体验,但它是可以衡量的. 当我还在做 产品经理 对于一家全球披萨公司,我的团队创造了一个 创新的数字解决方案 用an来量化和追踪味道 电子商务平台.

我们一起开发了一个免费收集客户反馈的功能. 这提供了一个很大的 数据量 这使得该公司能够跟踪质量问题, 不断完善配料, 并在其800多家门店提高客户满意度.


感官测试 is a hugely time-consuming and expensive process that companies in the food industry often outsource to specialized agencies. 研究人员招募参与者可能需要几个月的时间, 进行现场测试, 处理结果. 的成本 研究单一产品 differs according to region and other factors, but can quickly reach tens of thousands of dollars. 对于一家国际连锁餐厅来说,在整个菜单上获得反馈, 这些数字可能膨胀到数百万.

我们也看到了传统感官测试的局限性. 产品爱的一个例子是可口可乐标志性配方的改变: 新可口可乐这是一种更甜的原始版本,于1985年发布,引起了消费者的愤怒. Despite solid customer research prior to launch, only 13% of actual consumers liked the new taste. 变化正好相反 79天后.

生意越大, the higher the cost for such missteps: If you add too much sugar to a soft drink or too few toppings on a new type of pizza, 这些误差可以以百万计.


我们的新工具的目的是把感官研究在线和内部. The traditional method asks participants to taste the product and answer a series of standardized questions evaluating quality. We took this style of questionnaire and built it directly into the company’s food 交付 and in-restaurant ordering application.

订单或送货完成后,应用程序会提示客户 提供反馈 关于他们点的某个披萨. 一旦他们接受,应用程序就会加载味道评估调查. The app asks users to evaluate products by varying characteristics including appearance, 总体味道, 温度, 味道强度, 配料的数量, 和多汁性. The final question is on a criteria specific to the type of pizza, such as spiciness for pepperoni. 我们发现7到9个问题是最理想的, taking around 20 seconds total to complete—any longer and users may become disengaged.

为了衡量答案,我们决定用a 刚刚好(JAR)的规模为了考虑到个人口味的差异,他们的目标是将JAR得分设定在70%到80%之间. 这个动画展示了一个典型的调查:

收到他们的订单后, customers are prompted to answer this series of questions about a product using a JAR scale.

感官研究机构通常在一个调查产品中收集大约400份回复. 在我们推出内部工具后的第一年, 我们收到了600多份,000个回复——3%的转化率.


使用该工具提供的丰富数据, 产品团队每周跟踪口味以监控任何问题, 当使用新鲜食材时,哪一点特别重要. 当急剧下跌发生时, 如下面的仪表板样例所示, 该公司能够立即进行调查. 有一次, it found that the blue cheese supplier had delivered a batch that was not up to its usual standard, 这极大地影响了四种奶酪披萨的味道.

一个名为“样本仪表盘:每周总体味觉评分”的图表显示了模拟数据. 纵轴是味道度量,从6开始.2 to 6.7. 横轴上是代表周的日期, 从6月6日, 2021, 至九月十九日, 2021. 绘制的数据点相对一致,在6.4和6.6, 除了7月4日那一周, 它的味觉指标在6以下有一个急剧的下降.3.

调查指标使我们能够为每种产品创建一个口味概况, 这样我们就可以做一些简单的调整了. For example, if a particular pizza scored low on juiciness, we introduced more tomato sauce. 我们还能够识别流行的口味,并将其用于新的食谱中.

该工具使我们能够优化配方并为业务驱动价值. 我们测试了去除一定量的某些成分, 比如意大利辣香肠片, 并监测味觉的变化. 如果味觉分数不受影响, 我们保留了修改过的食谱, 为整个连锁餐厅节省了资金.

我们采用了相同的方法 数据驱动的方法 新产品发布, responding to customer preferences by changing or even withdrawing products based on feedback. 当介绍卡博纳拉披萨时, 例如, we tracked metrics during the first week and saw that the average score for taste was 5.7分中的94分. 所有披萨的平均得分是6分.3.

The other data points revealed the problem: Almost 48% of respondents thought the 配料的数量 was insufficient. 公司很快改变了配方, adding more bacon (which had the side effect of also increasing juiciness and 味道强度). 接下来的一周,平均味道从5.94 to 6.

An illustration titled Sample Metrics Comparison for Carbonara Pizza depicts two bar charts based on customer research data, 表示第1周和第2周, 分别. 纵轴是受访者的百分比,范围从0到100. The first bar shows four categories on the JAR survey: the first bar is 味道强度, 第二个是多汁, 第三条是配料的数量, 第四巴是温度. The bars are split into five colors, each representing a different response on the JAR survey. In week 1, the 配料的数量 was rated as insufficient by almost 48% of respondents. In week 2, this percentage had decreased significantly due to the company’s addition of bacon. The bars showing juiciness and 味道强度 also depict slightly improved scores as a result.
A JAR score of 3 for “Amount of toppings” from 49% of respondents in Week 1 revealed the cause of the low 总体味道 score. Increasing the 配料的数量 resulted in a JAR score of 3 from 69% of respondents in Week 2, 以及JAR在其他一些指标上得分的提高.

我们用这个工具探索了许多假设, 比如温度和味道之间的关系. 不出所料,如果披萨被认为是冷的,那么它的味道得分就会下降到4分. The data points displayed in the following table illustrate that if the pizza strayed outside of “Just about right,“即使是在热的一边, 味觉得分也下降了. 这告诉我们温度是影响顾客满意度的关键因素.

A table entitled Sample Data: The Relationship Between Taste and Temperature shows the relationship between taste and 温度. 第一列列出了五个温度等级:太热, 稍微太热, 刚刚好, 稍微太冷, 太冷了. 第二列显示单次交付中的平均订单数. 第三列显示了披萨在加热架上花费的时间,单位是分钟. 第四栏以分钟为单位显示烹饪和递送的总时间. 第五栏显示的是总体口味得分(总分7分). 表中的数据点表示顾客的披萨被评为太热的时间, 发货的订单少了, 它在架子上的时间更短, 总的烹饪和递送时间更短, 味觉得分也更高. 相反, 当披萨被认为太冷的时候, 发货的订单更多了, 它在架子上的时间更长, 总的烹饪和递送时间更长, 总体的味觉得分要低得多.

The company had been considering purchasing thermal 交付 bags with heating elements. 每袋售价约为3美元,每个披萨店需要5到10个袋子——这是一笔可观的投资. 但是我们现在有 业务案例 代价:保持披萨的温度会带来更好的味觉得分.

通过我们的分析, we also found a direct correlation between the visual appearance of a pizza and its perceived taste (i.e., the more attractive the pizza, the higher the taste score), as well as between taste and dryness. 我们提取 ERP系统 data showing how long a pizza had been on a hot shelf prior to customer consumption and correlated it with our survey data. 结果证实,如果披萨在货架上放置超过60分钟, 它变得太干,得到较低的味道评分. To remedy this, restaurants reduced the amount of pizza they prepared in advance of busy periods.

在特许经营企业内, 通常很难确保所有分支机构都遵循品牌指导方针. 以前,当一家餐厅的评分很低时,我们对原因知之甚少. 可能是因为披萨店没有遵守规定, 交货缓慢, 或者该地区的顾客有特殊的口味偏好. The tool we developed facilitated a deeper analysis of the customer experience by pizzeria. 我们密切监视着每个分支机构, 调查低评级, 快速实现, 有效的改进.

通过追踪每个披萨店的平均温度, 例如, 我们可以看到,如果一个得分特别低, 快递员可能在一次旅行中携带了太多的订单, 后来的订单都是冷冰冰的.


通过为客户利用go-to - order方法, 我们能够开发应用内解决方案, 进行大规模的 研究的数量 以一种不会对用户造成干扰的方式,并且不会给公司带来额外的成本.

这个工具可能看起来很简单, but the instant data it generated dramatically increased the level of insight the company had into the experiences and preferences of its customers and allowed it to take a responsive, 循证操作方法. 通过对食谱和流程的微调, 我们能够提供顾客觉得更美味的产品, 提高他们的满意度,使他们更有可能再次订购.

我们的电子商务解决方案就像放大镜一样有效, offering a granular view of quality at a large-scale franchise that made managing more than 800 locations around the world much easier and much more efficient.

跟进披萨特许经销商客户反馈工具的开发, I went on to implement a similar platform at a large food 零售er that had an app with about 10 million users, 也得到了类似的结果.

品味并不简单, but our tool showed that it can be broken down into a reproducible formula—like any successful recipe.

特别感谢我以前的同事Gleb Kotlyarov, 一个研究专家,他提出了这个创新工具的想法.


  • 为什么要做客户调查?

    Customer research is an important part of creating products that provide value to the user and drive ongoing improvements.

  • 如何进行网上消费者调查?

    在食品行业,进行在线消费者调查是具有挑战性的. 这里详细介绍了创新的应用内工具, 在这种模式下,用户在品尝产品后,会对产品进行恰到好处(JAR)的评价, 产生丰富和持续的客户研究数据是一种经济有效的方法吗.

  • 客户研究应该包括哪些内容?

    客户研究包括许多要素, 你选择包含的元素取决于你所处的领域. 对于这个工具, we asked users to evaluate seven aspects of the product using a simple JAR scale to reduce the time burden and keep the conversion rate high.


位于 第比利斯,格鲁吉亚,格鲁吉亚

成员自 2022年1月28日


Anna is a 产品经理 with expertise developing innovative products for global brands such as Mars and Fortune 100 company 百事可乐. 她在食品和饮料行业有十多年的经验, 生成的餐馆, 交付, 零售, 酒店, 食品生产.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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